Shadhika Shadhika

"I now feel equal to boys as we too are getting the opportunity to play and not be burdened with just household chores"

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The Intricacies of a Sport and the Skills it Teaches

July 1, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes Faith Foundation’s Insights This is one of three stories part of a case study on how Shadhika’s Partners have found sports to be an effective tool for community mobilization and youth engagement. Read the other stories here and here. This is a story of impact for not just one, but many adolescent girls that Shadhika’s   

Finding Joy in Times of Conflict

Reading Time: 2 minutes A Story From the Centre for Women and Girls in Manipur This is one of three stories part of a case study on how Shadhika’s Partners have found sports to be an effective tool for community mobilization and youth engagement. Read the other stories here and here. During 2023-24 India’s northeastern state of Manipur witnessed   

Breaking Down Walls

Reading Time: 2 minutes Khushboo’s Story from Vikalp in Rajasthan This is one of three stories part of a case study on how Shadhika’s Partners have found sports to be an effective tool for community mobilization and youth engagement. Read the other stories here and here. Khushboo Nath is a young girl from Dadiya Village in Rajasthan. Before her   

When She Leads: Karthika*

Reading Time: 2 minutes This interview is part of our When She Leads: Shadhika Scholar collection. Learn more. *Name changed for privacy Karthika* is 23 years old and from Nagenahalli, in Karnataka. Karthika’s mother was forced into the devadasi system and works as an agricultural laborer. Karthika has faced immense pressure from her family to also be forced into the illegal and   

When She Leads: Karina

Reading Time: 2 minutes This interview is part of our When She Leads: Shadhika Scholar collection. Learn more. Karina Khatun is a Scholar from Shadhika’s Partner Jabala Action Research Organization in West Bengal. Karina is from a minority community in Kolkata and has been engaged with Jabala since her childhood. Jabala was integral to ensuring that she was not forced in child   

The first Gender Fair in Varanasi

Reading Time: 3 minutes March 10, 2024 was a historic day for gender justice in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. To commemorate the International Women’s Day and Savitribai Phule Parinirvana Day, Shadhika’s partners Asian Bridge India (ABI) and Grameen Punarnirman Santhan (GPS) organized Varanasi’s first ever Gender Fair. For 15 years, Asian Bridge India has been dedicated to promoting gender equality   

When She Leads: Vanitha

May 7, 2024

Reading Time: 5 minutes This interview is part of our When She Leads: Shadhika Scholar collection. Learn more. Last year at the 2023 Leaders for Change Summit, we met with Vanitha to ask how her experience of participating at the Summits over the past few years has been. Vanitha is a Shadhika Scholar from Shadhika’s local partner Baale Mane in Karnataka. and   

Collective Art and Action: Part 2 of 2

February 29, 2024

Reading Time: 7 minutes Shadhika is hosting a virtual art exhibition featuring 25 works by Shadhika Scholars (Cohort of 2023) exploring their hopes and experiences of what collective action means for feminist leadership. Embodying the spirit of collective action shared through our exhibition, Shadhika has partnered with The Feminist Front (The FF) – a youth of color-led organization organizing   

Collective Art and Action: Part 1 of 2

Reading Time: 6 minutes Shadhika is hosting a virtual art exhibition featuring 25 works by Shadhika Scholars (Cohort of 2023) exploring their hopes and experiences of what collective action means for feminist leadership. Embodying the spirit of collective action shared through our exhibition, Shadhika has partnered with The Feminist Front (The FF) – a youth of color-led organization organizing   

One Step Closer: Setting Intentions For Our Vision In 2024

January 12, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s the dawn of the new year and with it comes a chance for us to reflect on the learnings from the year before and rechart our course for the journey ahead. Grassroots leaders across the world are continuing to lead the way for a more equitable and just future, emphasizing the need for collective   

Silence is NOT golden: #16DaysOfActivism with Shadhika

December 15, 2023

Reading Time: 5 minutes TW: Violence, abuse, mentions of suicide. These are hard facts about the reality that women, girls, queer youth, and other marginalized groups in India contend with. But our lives are more than statistics and infographics. These lived experiences are dictated by many levels of violence, trauma, and indifference.  The #16DaysOfActivism campaign is an annual commemoration   

Stories of Collective Action: Asian Bridge India

October 31, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes What does it take to engage men and boys in practicing more gender-affirming attitudes and create lasting change in their lives? How can allyship for men and boys be more proactive? What can meaningful gender justice look like for men and boys? To achieve true gender justice, systemic levers of change must be activated and   

When She Leads: Investing in Women’s Leadership: Why Us? Why Now?

October 9, 2023

Reading Time: 7 minutes “Invest in Girls’ Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being”, proclaims the tagline for this International Day of the Girl. Across the globe, the percentage of seats held by women in national parliaments in 2022 was at just 26.5%. The current global labor force participation rate for women is under 47% – 25 percentage points lower than   

Feminist Funded Rising ‘23 in DC: Highlights You Can’t Miss!

September 27, 2023

Reading Time: 5 minutes There is a comfort and validation that comes from being in a group of like-minded individuals and organizations that hold feminist values and believe that trust-based philanthropy is a baseline of equitable grantmaking. The recently held Women’s Funding Network Feminist Funded Rising ‘23 conference in DC was just that- unapologetic and bold voices inspiring and