Shadhika Shadhika

Author Archives: shadhika-staff

Equal Community Foundation

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Reading Time: 3 minutes By Kim Burnett, Shadhika President and CEO   The time difference between India and Denver, Colorado, where I live, is twelve and a half hours. That means when I wake up in the morning, the first things that greet me are often “breaking news alerts” on my smart phone. Having left for India right when   

STOP India

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Reading Time: 3 minutes By Kim Burnett, Shadhika President and CEO   When I was younger, I used to play a game where I would ask people what superpower they would like to have – the ability to fly or the power to be invisible? I always chose the power to fly. But Savita* wanted to be invisible. It   

Jabala Action Resource Center

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Reading Time: 3 minutes By Kim Burnett, Shadhika President and CEO   Their faces stare down on us, silently watching our work. Tagore, Nehru, Gandhi, and other Indian men of note whose names I do not know. I am sitting in a small second floor community room in the heart of the Bowbazar community, home to the largest Red-Light   


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Reading Time: 4 minutes By Kim Burnett, Shadhika President and CEO   “Do you have a uterus?” The question catches me off guard, but the young girl before me earnestly wants to know. We are sitting on the floor in a community room in a ‘basti’ (slum) outside of Mumbai, visiting with the young women and men who are   

The Impact of Computers in a Mumbai Community

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Reading Time: 2 minutes By Durga and Sneha, sisters who are both Shadhika Scholars and community leaders at Vacha, Shadhika’s partner in Mumbai.   With the help of Shadhika, my sister and I were able to save up enough money to purchase a computer together. This investment has drastically changed our lives. Before we had our own computer school   


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Reading Time: 5 minutes By Kim Burnett, Shadhika President and CEO   I love Spring. After six months of snow here in Colorado, the arrival of Spring, in the form of flowering bulbs emerging in my garden, makes me smile and gives me hope for the future. I also love Spring because that is when we receive our annual   

I Want to be a Trailblazer

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Reading Time: 2 minutes By Zaira*, a Shadhika Scholar and community leader at STOP India, Shadhika’s partner in Delhi.   I wish to do an MBA or study in the field of business because one sees extremely few girls. Most people think this field is only for boys. I want to be a trailblazer for girls in my community. So that   

Letter from Shadhika’s CEO: Report on STOP India

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Dear Friends, My past visits with STOP India in Delhi have sometimes been bittersweet. Two years ago, Shadhika made a bet and provided start-up funding to help this organization that works with survivors of sex trafficking launch a business venture to teach the women how to manufacture apparel and jewelry for sale. The venture provided   

We’ve Moved!

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Reading Time: < 1 minutes We’ve Moved! Shadhika is now calling the Posner Center for International Development “home.” Home to over 60 international development nonprofits, the Posner Center will help Shadhika exchange ideas with other like-minded organizations, cut costs and improve the products and services we deliver. Our new address is: Shadhika 1031 33rd Street, Suite 194 Denver, CO 80205 Phone:   

Shadhika Receives Platinum Rating from GuideStar

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Reading Time: < 1 minutes GuideStar is the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations, used by donors throughout the world to assess a nonprofit’s transparency and accountability. Shadhika was recently awarded GuideStar’s Platinum status – the highest level of recognition they offer. As a Platinum Participant, GuideStar has determined that Shadhika meets the highest level of accountability and   

Letters to My Father

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Reading Time: 6 minutes In honor of Father’s Day, four young women Shadhika supports wrote essays and letters to their fathers. All four young women are Shadhika Scholars and community leaders at Vacha, Shadhika’s partner site in Mumbai.     “About My Father” In honor of Father’s Day, the following essay was written by Radha, a Shadhika Scholar and community   

Interview With Medhavinee Namjoshi, A Leader in Women’s Rights

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Reading Time: 4 minutes By Megan Harper, Communications & Donor Relations Associate at Shadhika Medhavinee Namjoshi (Medha) is the Chief Project Coordinator at Vacha, Shadhika’s partner in Mumbai. I sat down with Medha in October to learn how Vacha is making huge strides in changing cultural norms of a girl’s status in India. Vacha works with at-risk girls age   

Shadhika Welcomes New Interns!

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Reading Time: < 1 minutes We are excited to welcome our new interns Soujanya Sridharan and Mitchell DeVito to Shadhika! Both will be working to support the following efforts this year: Shadhika’s Capacity Building Program and Partner Conference in Kolkata and Shadhika’s Life Skills Initiative. Soujanya is native to Bangalore, India and is finishing up her Master’s in Finance and   

2015 College Scholarship Recipient Making an Impact

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Meet Nandita! Nandita* is a 2015 Shadhika College Scholarship Recipient. During Shadhika’s January 2016 Donor Trip to India, we had the opportunity to speak with Nandita about her college experience this past year. Nandita is the eldest daughter of her family; she has one younger sister who is in middle school. Nandita’s father works as