"Serving as Shadhika’s CEO has been one of the most wonderful, fulfilling, experiences of my life."
The Time is Right
By Kim Burnett, President and CEO
January 6, 2020
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe beginning of a new year or a new decade have always been times of deep reflection for me. This year has been no different.
As I take stock of Shadhika’s accomplishments over the past decade and consider the organization’s future, I have made the hard decision that it is time for me to step down as Shadhika’s CEO, effective in June 2020.
Coming to this decision has not been easy. Serving as Shadhika’s CEO has been one of the most wonderful, fulfilling, experiences of my life. Working with our amazing and talented grantee partners, our smart and strategic board members, our skilled and dedicated staff, our generous and supportive donors, and our thoughtful colleagues has been a true gift and has taught me so much. I have been deeply honored to have had opportunity over the last seven years to know and be part of the lives of the remarkable young women Shadhika has supported. My life cup has truly overflowed with riches.
It is difficult to leave Shadhika and the wonderful work we do together. What we have accomplished together during my tenure is nothing short of breath-taking:
• Together we have helped Shadhika grow from a small, unstaffed organization working primarily in one city in India to a robust, professional organization with staff in India and the U.S. that supports a network of women-led organizations across India that serves thousands of young women annually.
• Together we’ve provided over a million dollars in grants and other support which has helped over 5,500 young women escape from early, forced marriage and instead complete their education, find work in the formal economy, and stand up for their rights.
• Together we have shown that when she leads change does follow as our investment in her success has led to a groundswell of change in the attitudes and practices of those around her – enabling thousands of other young women to have the opportunity to realize their full potential.
As I look to the next decade of growth for Shadhika, the time is right for me to pass the baton to Shadhika’s next leader who will build upon our successes and take the organization to the next level. Over the next several months I am committed to supporting our Board and staff as they make this transition. Although I am leaving Shadhika as a staff member, I look forward to remaining a strong supporter and Shadhika donor for years to come.
Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to lead Shadhika these last seven years and for the pleasure of knowing and working with you all.
Now, let’s get back to work!
In partnership,