International Day Of The Girl 2021
“Digital Generation, Our Generation.”


How many pledges did you take?
Tag us or use #ShadhikaIDGPledge to share your photos or videos with us, or write to us at info@shadhika.org to share your thoughts!
Towards A Feminist Tech Future
Celebrate #DayOfTheGirl and catch-up on the incredible session on the future of women and girls in tech with Vidya Madhavan @viddium, Kelsey Botne @kelseybee3, Kathryn Hall @notakitjustakat, moderated by Tara Risser @taulm23.
The #DayoftheGirl was also marked by a Shadhika-led Live session on the future of a ‘feminist tech’ world. The Live session was attended by Shadhika Scholars, donors and supporters


Would you like to add to these resources? Write to us at info@shadhika.org!

Join us in working locally to create global change. By supporting women-led non-profits in India you are building capacity to solve the world’s most pressing issues surrounding women’s empowerment and gender justice.

With your support to our joint fundraiser with Girls Opportunity Alliance, we can ensure access to technology, scholarships, and community to the girls and young women of India.