My family is happy that I am working in this situation, because at my home I am the only one who works.
Working from Home
By Sabah Siddiqui, Donor & Program Associate
April 14, 2020
Reading Time: 2 minutesSabah, a member of Shadhika’s staff, is working from home for the first time during a national lockdown. She lives in Mumbai with her family.
The current situation is becoming worse day by day. Everyone here is taking precautions and maintaining social distance. Before I would go to a co-working office, but due to coronavirus I am working from home. I didn’t have a good internet connection at home, so Shadhika provided the facility at my home. My family has 9 members at one house, and we all are stuck at home due to lockdown. It’s not as easy as I assumed to work from home while everyone is there. I don’t have a table or chair at home so I work sitting on the floor of my home or sometime on the bed.
There are a few good things about working from home. I don’t have the tension of traveling to the co-working office which took me 1-2 hours by metro and car. I can work early morning or late evening depending on my calls with my coworkers. If I am working and get hungry, I can ask my mom – she can easily make anything for me. My family is supportive, and they are all trying to take care of my two little brothers because they are sweet but can be a little annoying.
The other best thing is I haven’t spoken in English in front of my mom and dad before this. They are watching me on my calls with the Shadhika team, and they appreciate me a lot. My family is happy that I am working in this situation, because at my home I am the only one who works.
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