In a climate of fear, hate, misinformation and parochialism, the weekly practice sessions provided a joyful space for players
Finding Joy in Times of Conflict
July 1, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutesA Story From the Centre for Women and Girls in Manipur
This is one of three stories part of a case study on how Shadhika’s Partners have found sports to be an effective tool for community mobilization and youth engagement. Read the other stories here and here.

During 2023-24 India’s northeastern state of Manipur witnessed an unprecedented ethnic conflict erupt with widespread displacement and militarization. The Centre for Women and Girls (CWG), Shadhika’s local Partner working in Manipur’s southern hills, initiated a mixed-ethnic all-girl Ultimate (Frisbee) club: The Stars. In a climate of fear, hate, misinformation and parochialism, the weekly practice sessions provided a joyful space for players from different communities to come together in a spirit of mutual respect and care.

One of the players, Saneidam, who started playing in 2022 when CWG first introduced the sport, leads the sessions. Saneidam has traveled across the country to train in the sport since, and now tells her team “let us be positive, and learn together.” The matches are always played in mixed-ethnic teams. This non-refereed sport with in-built dispute resolution mechanisms prioritizes fair play.

CWG’s efforts in promoting and sustaining an all-girl Ultimate club are geared toward fostering opportunities for players to build communication and leadership skills, and create a space for conversations around gender and sexuality. But above all, it is the ground to cultivate values of care and kindness. Watch The Stars sing Girls also want freedom! by Kamla Bhasin.
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